About Me

Before we get started, let’s get acquainted.

I’m Julia. And I’m an xennial night owl. Or should I say… THE Xennial Night Owl?

You may be wondering…

Is “Xennial” a real thing?

Depends on what you mean by “real.” To the extent any generational construct is real, then yes! “Xennial” is a micro-generation representing people born between 1977 and 1985. We’re also referred to as the “Oregon Trail” generation–if you know, you know.

So, what makes Xennials different?

Lots of things, and I’m not going to try to paraphrase all the articles that have been written about this micro-generation–but I think the most important thing that sets Xennials apart is that we enjoyed childhoods largely free of invasive technology like cell phones and social media, but were young enough to easily integrate technology into our lives. It’s a weird hybrid life we’ve lived, and I think it gives us a unique perspective.

Do you really identify so strongly as a night owl that you needed to put it in your blog title?

Yes. Yes I do. Actually, embracing my night owlishness played a big role in my decision to attempt this blog. My goals with this blog are to:

  1. Tell you about all the things I’m doing “wrong” in my adult life;
  2. Explain why I don’t actually think they’re wrong even though I’m made to feel that way by society; and
  3. Make you feel better if you’re doing things as “wrong” as I am.

Like Gaga said, I was born this way. And you probably were too.